PHP or Hypertext Processing is a programming language that is becoming increasingly popular among the users. It’s efficiency and friendliness allows it to be the ideal programming language when it comes to web browsing.

One of the biggest software needs in today’s time is to have a command when it comes to designing and developing information in a web browser. PHP allows you to enjoy that because of its various functions. PHP allows you to have a mixture with HTML as well to get your desired outcomes.

One of the biggest benefits of PHP is for the beginners, who find it easy to read and comprehend. For people making use of long scripts, this is a huge blessing. It allows user to have more command and along with that it has shown a better performance. This is the reason why the PHP documents are always in a higher demand. Of course, what makes it even better is that it is free of cost. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, you can access PHP at anytime and anywhere.

Although it is majorly focused on sever side scripting, PHP has several benefits that you may wish to use it for!

  1. PDF Files Adobe has a propriety file type that comes in a PDF format. This helps in exchanging documents. With PHP, conversion to PDF is easier. This can be done through PDFlib, a library specifically meant for this purpose. If you’re inventing an invoicing application online, this can be extremely useful for you. Anything that is HTML generated can be converted into a PDF file through PDFlib.

  2. Flash Using flash in your websites has several benefits and disadvantages as well. In terms of value, it can have a special status. Because flash is compatible in a cross-browser manner, this is a huge advantage. It makes your webpage much more expressive and interactive. With that said, it cannot be avoided that flash may create a lot of troubles for the programmers. Luckily, you wouldn’t have any troubles with integrating flash when using PHP. Flash files can be created using Ming library. These files are created in the .swf format. So whether it is about movies or any animated text or picture, PHP makes your website look much more appealing to the users!

  3. Photo Gallery The file handling functions of PHP are great in every manner and can help in creating a photo gallery of your own. Once you’ve stored the photos in a single directory, you can present your photos in a great way by using the functions of PHP. This is a straightforward procedure that is easy to understand.

  4. Creating Graphs and Charts There are web pages that need to visually represent numbers for specific purposes. With PHP, this is an easy task. Image_Graph can help you to devise various kinds of graphs and charts, all suiting your preferences. The e-commerce websites need these the most and can benefit. Even for the beginners, it is a simple process!